
management services

Change for the better

Every organisation should focus on running its business, but also on changing its business. The triggers to change - be it new legislation, technological innovation, new competition or anything else - become more frequent and more urgent. Organisations that are ill-prepared or do not manage the change initiatives properly, will be left behind.

The portfolio of changes an organisation is undertaking is usually delivered by projects and programmes. At Apropo, we are experts in organising for change: we have a deep understanding of project and programme management best practices, and we have experience in setting up portfolio management and support structures, like a PMO.

We believe that the way an organisation handles changes says a lot about how it handles its operations. Projects and programmes are by definition cross-functional, so an analysis of project or programme management practices usually points out inefficiencies in the normal operations as well. Our Environmental scan is therefore an ideal, low-risk starting point for improving both the run and the change of the business.